Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 2 and Not Dead Yet

I expected today to be bad.  I guess it's good to set your expectations low sometimes, because I'm feeling ok and pretty happy about that.
This morning I tried to make the pancakes again.  I managed to put in the correct amount of water, but then I burned them.  Oh well.  They were still way better than yesterday's pile of mush.  I only gagged a little bit eating them.
Later in the morning I had some kind of cinnamon cereal.  I had it dry.  It was pretty good.  I'm wondering if I'm starting to lose my mind, because a lot of the stuff doesn't seem to have the awful aftertaste I was experiencing yesterday.  Could my taste be changing that fast or am I just choosing better foods today?
I just had the chocolate pudding.  It was suprisingly good.  It was a bit glumpy, but other than that, fine.
By the time it's time for me to eat I feel quite hungry and sometimes weak and overall not very well.  It always goes away pretty quickly after eating.  I'm hoping that I'll get to a point where I just feel hungry and not crappy and hungry.
Talked to my health coach last night.  I should say a word about her.  We'll call her H.  H is a registered dietician in addition to being a Take Shape for Life coach.  This is nice because I think she'll be really well equipped to help us transition from me being on the program to my whole family eating a similar, healthier diet.  Anyway, H reminded me that I'll possibly get very very hungry over the next few days, but that I could use that hunger as sign that I was literally hours away from burning fat from my body.  I'm reminding myself of that every time I feel like I'm hungry, though I don't think I've experienced the starvation type hunger that I may be facing in the next few days.

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